Monday, January 12, 2009

Recovery Day 26...

is actually day one back on the job for me. I got a good report from Elaine on medicines and labs today. Additionally, we did not get a call from the team at all regarding Ian, which is a good sign.

Work was good today... I think. I spent the whole day just trying to catch up on some things and figure out where I'm at for tomorrow. It looks like it will be a productive week once I get rolling tomorrow. I still need to file my expense report for the trip I was on when we got the call nearly a month ago.

Wow. It has been almost one month. Does it seem like it? It doesn't to me most of the time. That may change by the time I actually return to Atlanta and even more so by the time my family gets to come home.

So I got a couple of letters from different healthcare providers today. One thinks we have two different insurances for Ian. They keep trying to file it with the wrong one. I don't even know how they got that number, because we didn't provide it. That's a question for me to ask tomorrow. The other provider had a bill that they told us not to pay since it was pending with the insurance company (the correct company, at least), but now they have it in their collections department. Those should be fun calls tomorrow. I figure it is going to be at least six calls of an undetermined length. Two to each provider, and two to the insurance company trying to figure out why they haven't paid the providers. Elaine usually does this thing while I'm working, but when we talked about it earlier, she let me take it. She sounds very tired. With two kids and her mother around, she doesn't need this to deal with.

I also had the pleasure of completing the task of returning all our phone messages (well, almost all of them). One was the insurance company wanting to speak with Elaine about her pregnancy. Another was the insurance company wanting to follow up with Ian to see how he is doing after his discharge from the hospital. Another was healthcare provider one from above trying to figure out the insurance mess they somehow created. The list goes on and on. Overall, I had about 10 calls to return, and that's after I deleted a bunch of the messages and wrote them off as garbage. I figure those groups will call back if they really want to speak with us.

So, the moral of the story is: never be gone from home for a month. And if you do have to be gone, turn off your answering machine. :)

I realize I haven't completed my thought from yesterday's post regarding resolutions and goals, but that's because I didn't have time today to work on any of them. What an awesome, rip-roaring start to the New Year! :) :D

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