Saturday, January 10, 2009

Recovery Day 24...

but I'm back home in Charleston. I have no idea what happened, except that I read Elaine's blog. :) Good source of information.

It was a busy day for me. I did sleep in a bit, mind you, but couldn't sleep too terribly late since there is lots to do. I went and go the oil changed in my Explorer. It was a truly beautiful day outside... over 70 degrees and sunny with a light breeze. I just waited outside on a bench and rubbed in the weather to my younger sister, Amanda, who lives in Syracuse, NY, and is buried under probably fourteen feet of snow right now.

After the oil change, I came back home and got bill somewhat caught up. Our neighbor brought the rest of our mail by a bit later and I went through most of it. Figured out what I needed to look at and what could wait and what was trash, and sorted accordingly. After nearly a month, that took some time. I also opened the package that my sister, Reina, sent. She made a blanket for Livy, which is very nice and nicely done, and sent a sports water bottle for Ian. I'll take that back to Atlanta this coming weekend, as well as the blanket.

Once that was all done, I scoured the yard outside (just wanted the fresh air and sunshine) for downed palm fronds, found a few, took care of them, and scooted off to the grocery store. Let me just say: I hate Wal Mart. It is the great and spacious building. It took me forever to find what I needed. Unfortunately, its also cheap, and cheap is good. I finally got out of there with some damage to the wallet (I certainly appreciate my wife's thriftiness when it comes to grocery shopping), and went to Little Caesar's for dinner, then to Walgreen's to pick up a photo I'm not supposed to look at.

Came back home, ate and caught up bills some more. Have I mentioned that music is my therapy? I appreciate having it on in the background to keep me moving along at tasks. I'm looking forward to church tomorrow including*, perhaps, of answering the same question 400 times (How is Ian doing?), but I am as prepared as possible. Church is now at 1 pm, so that is a shift... its been a long time since I've had to go at that time.

From Elaine's blog, it appears she has found some things to help Ian take his meds better. This is good... she's very good with him, as anyone who has seen her knows. She'll get that side of things straightened out faster than I could.

Not much else now... just back to the rigamaroll of life here...

*modified two hours after the original post time to reflect, accurately, how I feel about the question "How is Ian doing?". The prior version of this post sounded like I was complaining about being asked that. It is quite the opposite. Though Elaine and I are tired, exhausted even (who wouldn't be?), we appreciate the concern and the thoughts and prayers (thousands of them) that go up to Heavenly Father on Ian's behalf. It is amazing to us that a three year old boy can pull people together for a common purpose like this.

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