Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recovery Day 25...

and Ian continues to have soft bowel movements, per Elaine. That's not a concern to me since the indication I got Friday suggested it will take time for that to clear up. He's not going as often, but it is still soft, apparently.

I went to church today here in Charleston, back to our ward here. Since it is a ward with a Navy base in the boundaries, the turnover is pretty high. There were a few new families in that I didn't know, and I didn't meet them all today. No worries. There will be more in a month when we are all back.

Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day for me. I slept in a bit, spent some time relaxing this evening, and that pretty well sums it up.

I'm looking forward to returning to work tomorrow. I have lots to do to catch up, and it should be an entertaining week back. I'm also curious to see if my truck starts when I get there tomorrow. It has been parked for a while now. It should be good to get back into a normal groove here, even if the weekends will not be normal.

It is also time, starting tomorrow, to begin work on a few of my goals for this year. I will get into those with tomorrow's post. Right now, I need to go to sleep as it is already later than I wanted it to be for bedtime (dang Star Wars!).

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