Friday, January 02, 2009

Recovery Day 16...

and we did not get discharged. There is a lot of hurry up and wait here. The same seems true for getting out. :)

That sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. Ian's Prograf levels are a bit higher than the doctors would like to see, so we stayed put. I'm okay with that. When we leave, I'd like there to be as low a chance of coming back as possible. Even if we come back, that won't be the end of the world. Ian did well with staying put. He got Knapford Station from his maternal grandparents, and was very excited about that. He played with it for a good chunk of the day. We also walked downstairs, just the two of us, to see the fish and to look at the friggin' huge TV they have with sea life on it on the wall of honor (for monetary donors). Overall, Ian's health continues to improve.

I woke up this morning with all the symptoms (for me) of exhaustion (blast that Orange Bowl game!). Elaine came in and let me sleep for a bit (twice) thankfully, so I was able to get past that.

We went over all the medications and protocols for post-discharge care for Ian. It was a fair bit of information, but not a whole lot that we didn't know or hadn't at least guessed. The team here as confidence that Elaine and I get it and will give the proper care to Ian. I take some comfort in that. We both love Ian and Livy very much and only want the best for them. As I wrote in a previous post, we are entering a new phase. Our old model of normal is now broken, never to return. We must work now, as a family of four, to establish a new mold of normal. I figure it will take at least a year. It sure does create an opportunity for us to grow closer as a family and overcome some challenges. It should be a lot of fun.

Not much else to write that I can think of...

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