Monday, December 29, 2008

Recovery Day 12...

means almost two weeks. We moved from PICU to the transplant recovery area on the sixth floor today. It is nice to be out of PICU, but it was a lot quieter there. I'll trade the lack of quiet for the fact that Ian is doing well enough to be out of PICU.

We thought we were leaving PICU this morning, but it was late afternoon by the time we actually got the orders to transfer. Ian got to see his sister, Livia, for the first time in nearly two weeks. He was pretty excited about that, and she seemed to enjoy seeing him again, too. I didn't realize it was possible for a two month old to recognize a sibling so well so early. We have some pretty good pictures of them together, but mostly on our cell phones. We got pizza tonight, but the nearest Little Caesar's was quite a ways away, so we got Papa John's instead. It was good, and Ian ate it well (nearly two slices). He also ate a Rice Krispies Treat, 1/4 cup of grapes, and some chocolate milk (of course).

Everyone on the 6th floor was surprised that he does not have an NG tube. That doesn't happen often, but Ian is eating well and taking his meds with only a small protest, which is easily overcome by the thought of me calling Santa Claus about him not being a good medicine-taker. Cheap, but effective. I'll continue to use that as long as it works.

The goals for the next few days are targeted heavily towards getting Ian physically active again. I miss having him chase me or just wrestling with him, and I'm looking forward to carrying him on my shoulders again, which I probably won't do until after the staples are out for fear of scratching my scalp (no hair to pull, so we're good there).

Not much else to mention right now, but the move (or at least the waiting for the move) engulfed most of our day.

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