Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Recovery Day 7...

brings Christmas Eve and a full one week since the actual transplant. Ian is doing great! He got out of bed today and spent some time playing on the floor (yes, that was okay with the surgeon). He had the legs of a newborn gazelle, but got his legs under him a bit more this evening. It will be even better tomorrow when he sees that Santa Claus has paid a visit.

He has also improved, again, with the meds. One of his pain medications is gone. The doctors replaced the bitter prednisone with a more pallatable oral version. He is also becoming more irritated by the NG tube, which plays to our advantage in getting it gone. I'm trying not to get too far ahead though, so I'm still just hoping he can get it gone by New Year's.

So now I'm here waiting for Ian to fall asleep so Santa can come and so I can go get something to eat downstairs (I've had one meal today so far and tomorrow isn't going to be much better... I cannot order food in PICU, only Ian can). I have time to reflect on Christmas and the true meaning. How much deeper that meaning is this year!! How powerful is the love of our Heavenly Father!!?? I cannot claim to have the perspective he has with us in regards to his Son, but I do feel I got a bit of a glimpse of it over the last week or so. It is exceptionally difficult to send your child off to do something painful that will benefit them or even others in so many ways. I look at my wife now and what she's gone through the last week, and I not only admire her but I also feel a stronger bond with her, even though we've had virtually no time together since this all started. I look at my tiny daughter, Livia, and I notice how quickly she grows, especially since I don't see much of her right now. I also miss the little look of recognition that she used to give me so easily... it still comes, just not as quickly. It has been a bit of fiery week for us, but I can already see us all coming out stronger. Ian's personality hasn't changed, but his resolve seems even more firm... though I cannot put a finger on why I think/feel this way. Elaine has grown much. Livy is growing a lot... and it is important that she not remember this time. I think of how much harder this would have been for her if this was two years from now.

The wonderful outpouring of support and love continues. I see my family growing in many ways, and my love for them grows as well. I see others, especially family, sacrificing so that we can do some things... this is truly the Spirit of Christmas, and even more specifically, it is the true love of Christ that each of us possesses. How blessed are we to go through this type of a trial at this time in our lives!? How wonderful it is to have this experience to appreciate the Christmases of the future at home!? And again, I ask, just how much does our Heavenly Father love us!!!??? There are no limits. It truly is infinite. While that concept remains largely incomprehensible to us, it is times like these where our Father blesses us with the smallest of glimpses.

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