Wednesday, March 21, 2007

And so Wednesday has come in this week of vacation. Ian has reacted badly to the plethorous amounts of pollen and has caught a cold on top of that. When he was diagnosed with RSV in November 2005, they told us this could happen. Makes it tough on him to sleep... which in turn makes it tough in us to sleep.

The time to golf is good for me. I've been able to get out each of the last three days and play 18 holes each day. I'll put more information out on that next week. One problem I'm having is that I keep offering up all my golf balls to the water gods (the ones who live in the hazards and attract the flight of your ball so that no matter where you aim, your ball hits right in the middle of the hazard). I would have thought I would have appeased them by now, but thats not the case, apparently. I have three of my old balls left... something tells me they won't make it out of here...

Golf is one of those things where perfection is elusive (and for some of us only an abstract idea). One shot is a perfect, down the center, right-where-you-wanted-it drive, the next is a nasty squib shot off to the right because you toed the blasted ball. Those sweet down the center shots keep me coming back, but after the way I played hole 18 today, I have to ask... WHY!!!???



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